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Política de privacidad

In compliance with current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal data that you provide us by filling in the electronic registration form on this page will be stored in files under the responsibility of:

Sargamassa Palace

Pursuant to the provisions of the said legislation, the holder of the personal data may exercise his or her rights to rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, limitation of processing, data portability and the right not to be subject to automated individualised decisions, including profiling, by writing to:

Sargamassa Palace Avinguda de s'Argamassa, 82, 07840 Santa Eulària des Riu, Illes Balears

or by e-mail to the following addresse-mail: reservas@sargamassa-palace.com indicating in the subject line "DATA PROTECTION".

The fact that you do not enter the personal data that appears in the on the registration form as mandatory may result in the following we are unable to attend to your request.

Please inform immediately Sargamassa Palace any modification of their personal data in order to allow the Commission to information contained in our files is always up to date and does not contain contains errors. Also, with the acceptance of this legal notice, acknowledges that the information and personal data collected is accurate and truthful.

The collection of your personal data is done for the purpose of the maintenance of relations arising from the provision of services hotel and hospitalityand transmit advertising to you of other products and services, advertisements and offers and, in general, information of a commercial nature of interest to Sargamassa Palace . The processing is lawful on the basis of, at least, one of the following conditions:

The data subject consented to the processing of his or her data. for one or more specific purposes;

The processing is necessary for the execution of a contract in which the party or for the application of measures at the request of the party concerned pre-contractual;

The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation. applicable to the controller.

We also inform you that our server may send to your computer a file ('cookie'), which will provide us with technical information on the chosen language and other navigation options of the pages that you have chosen. visit through of https://www.sargamassa-palace.com/. In any case, you you have the possibility to configure your computer in such a way that it will reject the installation of these cookies.

Sargamassa Palace undertakes to treat in an absolutely confidential your personal data and to use them only for the purposes for which they were collected. purposes indicated.

Please be informed that Sargamassa Palace has adopted the legally required security measures in their facilities, systems and files required by the legislation in the field of of data protection. Likewise, the data controller guarantees the confidentiality of personal data, although it shall disclose to the competent public authorities the personal data and any other information in its possession or accessible through its systems and is required in accordance with legal provisions applicable.

The owner of the data is, in any case, responsible for its veracity, accuracy, timeliness, authenticity and relevance of personal data provided.

Legal information

In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of Information Society and E-Commerce Services, it will informs all our customers, users and visitors about the legal information relating to the company owning the website located at the Internet address: https://www.sargamassa-palace.com/


Company name: Sargamassa Palace
Fiscal address:  Avinguda de s'Argamassa, 82, 07840 Santa Eulària des Riu, Illes Balears
N.I.F. (Tax Identification Code): CIF.CHANGE_CIF

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